Impartial – Considerate – Professional

We understand that workplace investigations can be daunting and time consuming. Through our trusted partners we offer impartial, professional investigation services to assist our clients when they need us the most.

Our partners are leading experts in conducting workplace investigations, with access to a cohort of professional investigators with outstanding investigations skills and experience.

Our partners are members of the Association of Corporate Investigators (ACI) and work to ACAS standards of workplace investigations as well as ISO/TS 37008 Internal investigation standards.

Our partners are accredited training providers of workplace investigations and interview skills.

What you can expect from us:

  • A preliminary assessment of the allegations

  • Determining the scope of the investigation and establishing terms of reference

  • A comprehensive investigation plan including the prompt preservation and security of evidence

  • Investigation meetings/interviews

  • Regular reviews of the terms of reference

  • Regular updates to key individuals

  • Finalising the investigation and compiling a fair, independent investigation report

The services we provide are:

  • Independent

  • Confidential

  • Objective and impartial

  • Competent and professional


Tailored Packages

All our courses and training packages, including modules covered, can be bespoke to your individual or business needs.