Pillar 5 - Modernising HR Policies

Fundamentally, enhancing performance and cultural transformation essentially revolve around establishing and fulfilling expectations. In organisations, the attention is not just on achieving predetermined goals, but also on how those goals are arrived at.

Consequently, strong organisations are built on how well its employees collaborate, set clear objectives, and receive fair treatment while contributing to the company’s growth. The solution can be found in the ways that policies and procedures can enhance employee interactions, minimise personnel roadblocks that frequently occur in modern workplaces, and enhance the organisations culture.

Positive Dialogue Framework

Giving organisations the courage to move away from harmful, outdated HR policies by introducing a more modern, agile and restorative framework. We support organisations who want to move towards a restorative approach for dealing with issues such as attendance, performance and grievances. The Restorative Framework offers a values-based, person centric approach to leadership, HR, wellbeing, and employee relations.

Acas estimates the cost of workplace conflict per year to UK organisations is £28.5 Billion. The equivalent of more than £1000 per employee.

Conflict and issues are common and can even be healthy. If disagreements are handled respectfully, equitably and productively, they can lead to learning, growth and being best versions of ourselves. The PDF promises to be fair, kind and honest when resolving disputes or conflicts.

For each difficulty or issue (including attendance, performance, well-being, deterioration of standards, feelings of being unfairly treated etc.), we recommend the use of the Positive Dialogue Framework.

The aim of the Positive Dialogue Framework:

  • Promote early dialogue in disputes

  • Greater early dialogue remedies – Early Dialogue Conversations, Coaching, Facilitation and Mediation

  • Reduce the need to follow the formal process route when conflict arises

  • Replace grievance, bullying and harassment policies (plus many other policies) with one modern policy

  • Substantially reduce time, resources and costs of formal procedures

Positive Performance Framework

98% of colleagues find annual reviews unnecessary (talent management 360)

Management systems, HR policies and People & Culture Strategies will be supported by the Positive Performance Framework (PPF). The PPF offers a values-based, person-centred approach to leadership, employee well-being, Human Resources as well as Employee Relations.

Systems thinking, behavioural science, nudge theory, positive psychology, emotional intelligence and non-violent communication are just a few of the disciplines that PPF brings together to enable best practices. PPF includes several solid supporting frameworks, but it has also been created to provide a straightforward, practical model that can be implemented.

Positive Performance Framework places a strong emphasis on giving constructive, considerate and cooperative feedback. Employees’ confidence grows, expectations are made clear and mistakes are learned from using a dialogic approach and ongoing informal involvement.

The Positive Performance Framework is used to develop:

  • Role Profiles

  • Recruitment

  • Colleague Onboarding (First 100 days)

  • Colleague Performance

  • Career Satisfaction


Tailored Packages

All our courses and training packages, including modules covered, can be bespoke to your individual or business needs.